...well, really the day before. Christmas Eve was a good day, but I was also in a bit of a funk as I missed being with my family who were ALL together. The kids helped me with some cooking to prep for Christmas. (Making fun food can be a lot of work when you are the only one doing it! HUGE thanks and appreciation for my mom and lots of moms out there who work their tails off on holidays!!)
We decided to bundle up and go visit daddy at work. I must admit we had a few snowball fights on our way up the hill. It was a little scary as Nate can throw hard and usually found the ice balls instead of making his own snow balls!
We got the kids all dressed up and ready for the Christmas Eve service that night.
Nate was being super fussy and not wanting to eat anything for dinner and just acting really tired, so we made a last minute decision for Joe to stay home with him.
It was probably a good choice since he fell asleep by 6:45pm in front of a video.
Then we hosted the Holmes, Bedford and Sara, and their daughter Bonnie and her boyfriend for a delicious Christmas Eve supper of Clam Chowder... a Leestma tradition.
Even though it was way past her bedtime, Chloe Marie did not want to go to sleep. If there is a party happening, she is going to be there!
We play fun card games for awhile after dinner and enjoyed some of Sara's homemade banana pudding. After they left, Joe finished up some last minute wrapping... I was not invited.
we missed you guys HEAPS and HEAPS too!!!! way to include old traditions and make your own though!!