I will let the photos do the talking. :)
A view of a beautiful rainbow on our way to the airport to pick up Katie. I had at least one hand on the wheel!
My big helpers
Early Christmas presents from Aunt Katie.
On the Rubicon trail. Gorgeous views on a beautiful day!
I tried to get her to jump in, but she wouldn't do it. But hey, neither would I!
My little girl is intent on jumping off high places! Gotta keep a constant grip on that one. I wonder if that is prophetic about her teenage years.... oh dear.
Sister shot!
Group silly shot... don't fall in daddy!
Our lunch location.
At the bottom of Eagle falls
Ain's she purty?
Chloe was a trooper until the end when she started getting cold. Katie loaned her her sweatshirt.
And brother gave her a warm hug.
Lots of cooking together!
Read me just one more book, Aunt Katie!
Nate helping Chloe with her sunnies.
Down at the water on our Skunk Harbor Hike.
Loading them back up for the hike back. We thought we had lost a boot and a phone on this hike... but thankfully found both!!
On the hike back up the hill! Katie is a haus for carrying this guy.
Cuties on the rocks.
My kids are so blessed to have such wonderful loving aunts and uncles on both sides of the family!
Cheers to a great time together!
Thanks for coming out to visit Katie. We had such a great time with you and the kids adore you. You are such a special Auntie!
I had SUCH a blast! It was worth every sore muscle, smile, and book read. :) I will have to make a return trip SOON!