We headed back to Houston to enjoy a week or so more time with my family. We sure fit a lot in! I'll let the pictures do the story telling...
A lovely day at the beach
"Higher Gramps!!"
Where I spent almost every afternoon
The kids loved being in the pool
Awesome Texas thunderstorms. We actually got caught in the heavy rain of this one on our bide ride back from the park.
Swimming with Aunt Katie in the rain
The McCully clan (some of my friends from Tahoe and their 6 kids) drove through and stayed for a couple days on their way to the East coast.
Astros game!!! He looked a little apprehensive about the whole thing at first.
But then we got him some cotton candy!
Blue tongues with Mary's boyfriend, Jeff.
And the 'Stros won in overtime!!
A visit to some dear old friends, the Priests.
Box bowling
Playing on Bob and Pat's (our next door neighbor's) front porch
A visit with Abby, a wonderful high school friend
Going to see Aunt Katie at work
Nate thought the barking was a little loud
Free lunch from Chick-fil-a!! Oh how I wish we had one close by in Tahoe. Alas...
Haircut from Grammie!
They loved playing tennis
"My brother is so weird."
Books before bedtime in matching PJs
I just don't want to wake up today
Ok.. fine. CHEESE!
Saying goodbye to Gramps and Grammie